I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 18.04.5 (bionic) to 20.04.1 (focal) and it was one of the roughest Ubuntu upgrades I've gone through in a while. Here are the notes I took on avoiding or fixing the problems I ran into.
Before going through the upgrade, I disabled the configurations which I know interfere with the process:
Enable etckeeper auto-commits before install by putting the following in
as exectuable:mount -o remount,exec /tmp
Another step I should have taken but didn't, was to temporarily remove safe-rm since it caused some problems related to a Perl upgrade happening at the same time:
apt remove safe-rm
Network problems
After the upgrade, my network settings weren't really working properly and so I started by switching from ifupdown to netplan.io which seems to be the preferred way of configuring the network on Ubuntu now.
Then I found out that netplan.io is
not automatically enabling the
systemd-resolved handling of .local
I would be able to resolve a hostname using avahi:
$ avahi-resolve --name machine.local
but not with systemd:
$ systemd-resolve machine.local
machine.local: resolve call failed: 'machine.local' not found
$ resolvectl mdns
Global: no
Link 2 (enp4s0): no
The best solution I found involves keeping
systemd-resolved and its /etc/resolv.conf
symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf
I added the following in a new /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/mdns.conf
which instructs NetworkManager to resolve mDNS on all network interfaces it manages but not register a hostname since that's done by avahi-daemon.
Then I enabled mDNS globally in systemd-resolved by setting the following
in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
before restarting both services:
systemctl restart NetworkManager.service systemd-resolved.service
With that in place, .local
hostnames are resolved properly and I can
see that mDNS is fully enabled:
$ resolvectl mdns
Global: yes
Link 2 (enp4s0): yes
Boot problems
For some reason I was able to boot with the kernel I got as part of the focal update, but a later kernel update rendered my machine unbootable.
Adding some missing RAID-related modules to
and then re-creating all initramfs:
update-initramfs -u -k all
seemed to do the trick.