I've been using GMail ever since they decided to allow users to download their mail using POP. I was happy reading my email as usual in mutt. The only problem was that I had to log onto the website once in a while to clear out my spam folder and fish out the false positives.
However, as the amount of spam I receive daily started growing exponentially (in part thanks to my involvement in Debian), I became more and more dissatisfied with this solution. I had to login several times a day just to keep the levels of spam down to a manageable level. I tried emailing the GMail support team a few times without success.
The solution came just as I was looking at switching to a different email provider: IMAP access.
Using fetchmail, I can now download my received and sent mail using POP and then download (and purge) the contents of my spam folder. Here are the relevant lines of my ~/.fetchmailrc
poll pop.gmail.com protocol pop3 user "fmarier@gmail.com" is "francois" password "" fetchall ssl
poll imap.gmail.com protocol imap user "fmarier@gmail.com" is "francois" password "" folder "[Gmail]/Spam" fetchall ssl
I can then run all of my mail through my own local SpamAssassin setup.
The easier way to do this is to create a Gmail Filter.
Set up a new filter.
Add to the "Has the Words" field "is:spam"
Click the "Next Step" button, disregard any warning messages.
Check the boxes "Skip the inbox" and "Delete it".
Save the filter.
Now any items that would hit the Spam folder go directly to Trash and are automatically deleted in 30 days.
This tip is very usefull, specificaly when you want to manage your own spam filter.
@RickyF : yes it's possible to delagate to google. That wasn't the point.
I too have an unmanageable amount of spam in my Gmail spam folder. Having to scan a thousand messages a day for possibly 1 or 2 that isn't spam is quite annoying.
I came upon this script to allow me to use spamassassin and still read my mail using the gmail interface.
I run it on my [Gmail]/Spam folder instead of the Inbox