After installing Debian buster on my GnuBee, I set it up for receiving backups from my other computers.

Software setup

I started by configuring it like a typical server but without a few packages that either take a lot of memory or CPU:

I changed the default hostname:

  • /etc/hostname: foobar
  • /etc/mailname:
  • /etc/hosts: foobar localhost

and then installed the avahi-daemon package to be able to reach this box using foobar.local.

I noticed the presence of a world-writable directory and so I tightened the security of some of the default mount points by putting the following in /etc/rc.local:

chmod 755 /etc/network
exit 0

Hardware setup

My OS drive (/dev/sda) is a small SSD so that the GnuBee can run silently when the spinning disks aren't needed. To hold the backup data on the other hand, I got three 4-TB drives drives which I setup in a RAID-5 array. If the data were valuable, I'd use RAID-6 instead since it can survive two drives failing at the same time, but in this case since it's only holding backups, I'd have to lose the original machine at the same time as two of the 3 drives, a very unlikely scenario.

I created new gpt partition tables on /dev/sdb, /dev/sdbc, /dev/sdd and used fdisk to create a single partition of type 29 (Linux RAID) on each of them.

Then I created the RAID array:

mdadm /dev/md127 --create -n 3 --level=raid5 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1

and waited more than 24 hours for that operation to finish. Next, I formatted the array:

mkfs.ext4 -m 0 /dev/md127

and added the following to /etc/fstab:

/dev/md127 /mnt/data/ ext4 noatime,nodiratime 0 2

Keeping a copy of the root partition

In order to survive a failing SSD drive, I could have bought a second SSD and gone for a RAID-1 setup. Instead, I went for a cheaper option, a poor man's RAID-1, where I will have to reinstall the machine but it will be very quick and I won't lose any of my configuration.

The way that it works is that I periodically sync the contents of the root partition onto the RAID-5 array using a cronjob in /etc/cron.d/hdd-sync:

0 10 * * *     root    /usr/local/sbin/ssd_root_backup

which runs the /usr/local/sbin/ssd_root_backup script:

nice ionice -c3 rsync -aHx --delete --exclude=/dev/* --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/sys/* --exclude=/tmp/* --exclude=/mnt/* --exclude=/lost+found/* --exclude=/media/* --exclude=/var/tmp/* /* /mnt/data/root/

Drive spin down

To reduce unnecessary noise and reduce power consumption, I also installed hdparm:

apt install hdparm

and configured all spinning drives to spin down after being idle for 2 minutes and for maximum power saving by putting the following in /etc/hdparm.conf:

/dev/sdb {
       apm = 1
       spindown_time = 24

/dev/sdc {
       apm = 1
       spindown_time = 24

/dev/sdd {
       apm = 1
       spindown_time = 24

and then reloaded the configuration:

 /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/95hdparm-apm resume

Monitoring drive health

Finally I setup smartmontools by putting the following in /etc/smartd.conf:

/dev/sda -a -o on -S on -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03)
/dev/sdb -a -o on -S on -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03)
/dev/sdc -a -o on -S on -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03)
/dev/sdd -a -o on -S on -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03)

and restarting the daemon:

systemctl restart smartd.service

Some of these errors reported by this tool are good predictors of imminent failure.

Backup setup

I started by using duplicity since I have been using that tool for many years, but a 190GB backup took around 15 hours on the GnuBee with gigabit ethernet.

After a friend suggested it, I took a look at restic and I have to say that I am impressed. The same backup finished in about half the time.

User and ssh setup

After hardening the ssh setup as I usually do, I created a user account for each machine needing to backup onto the GnuBee:

adduser machine1
adduser machine1 sshuser
adduser machine1 sftponly
chsh machine1 -s /bin/false

and then matching directories under /mnt/data/home/:

mkdir /mnt/data/home/machine1
chown machine1:machine1 /mnt/data/home/machine1
chmod 700 /mnt/data/home/machine1

Then I created a custom passwordless ssh key for each machine:

ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/foobar_backups -t ed25519

and placed it in /home/machine1/.ssh/authorized_keys on the GnuBee.

Then I added the restrict prefix in front of that key so that it looked like:

restrict ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3N... root@machine1

On each machine, I added the following to /root/.ssh/config:

Host foobar.local
    User machine1
    Compression no
    Ciphers aes128-ctr
    IdentityFile /root/backup/foobar_backups
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    ServerAliveInterval 60
    ServerAliveCountMax 240

The reason for setting the ssh cipher and disabling compression is to speed up the ssh connection as much as possible given that the GnuBee has a very small RAM bandwidth.

Another performance-related change I made on the GnuBee was switching to the internal sftp server by putting the following in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

Subsystem      sftp    internal-sftp

Restic script

After reading through the excellent restic documentation, I wrote the following backup script, based on my old duplicity script, to reuse on all of my computers:

# Configure for each host
PASSWORD="XXXX"  # use `pwgen -s 64` to generate a good random password
RETENTION_POLICY="--keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 4 --keep-monthly 12 --keep-yearly 2"

# Internal variables

# If the list of files has been requested, only do that
if [ "$1" = "--list-current-files" ]; then
    RESTIC_PASSWORD=$PASSWORD restic --quiet -r $REMOTE_URL ls latest
    exit 0

# Show list of available snapshots
elif [ "$1" = "--list-snapshots" ]; then
    RESTIC_PASSWORD=$GPG_PASSWORD restic --quiet -r $REMOTE_URL snapshots
    exit 0

# Restore the given file
elif [ "$1" = "--file-to-restore" ]; then
    if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
        echo "You must specify a file to restore"
        exit 2
    RESTORE_DIR="$(mktemp -d ./restored_XXXXXXXX)"
    RESTIC_PASSWORD=$PASSWORD restic --quiet -r $REMOTE_URL restore latest --target "$RESTORE_DIR" --include "$2" || exit 1
    echo "$2 was restored to $RESTORE_DIR"
    exit 0

# Delete old backups
elif [ "$1" = "--prune" ]; then
    # Expire old backups

    # Delete files which are no longer necessary (slow)
    RESTIC_PASSWORD=$PASSWORD restic --quiet -r $REMOTE_URL prune
    exit 0

# Unlock the repository
elif [ "$1" = "--unlock" ]; then
    exit 0

# Catch invalid arguments
elif [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    echo "Invalid argument: $1"
    exit 1

# Check the integrity of existing backups
CHECK_CACHE_DIR="$(mktemp -d /var/tmp/restic-check-XXXXXXXX)"
RESTIC_PASSWORD=$PASSWORD restic --quiet --cache-dir=$CHECK_CACHE_DIR -r $REMOTE_URL check || exit 1

# Dump list of Debian packages
dpkg --get-selections > $PKG_FILE

# Dump partition tables from harddrives
/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sda > $PARTITION_FILE
/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdb > $PARTITION_FILE

# Do the actual backup
RESTIC_PASSWORD=$PASSWORD restic --quiet --cleanup-cache -r $REMOTE_URL backup / --exclude-file $EXCLUDE_FILE

I run it with the following cronjob in /etc/cron.d/backups:

30 8 * * *    root  ionice nice /root/backup/backup-machine1-to-foobar
30 2 * * Sun  root  ionice nice /root/backup/backup-machine1-to-foobar --prune

in a way that doesn't impact the rest of the system too much.

I also put the following in my /etc/rc.local to cleanup any leftover temp directories for aborted backups:

rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /var/tmp/restic-check-*

Finally, I printed a copy of each of my backup script, using enscript, to stash in a safe place:

enscript --highlight=bash --style=emacs --output=- backup-machine1-to-foobar | ps2pdf - > foobar.pdf

This is actually a pretty important step since without the password, you won't be able to decrypt and restore what's on the GnuBee.