Upgrading from Ubuntu 20.04 focal to 22.04 jammy

A few weeks ago, I upgraded a few machines from Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) to 22.04 (jammy). Here are the things that needed fixing after the upgrade.

Network problems

Firstly, I had to fix the resolution of .local domains the same way as I did when I upgraded a different machine from 18.04 (bionic) to 20.04 (focal).

ssh agent problems

Then, I found that ssh-add no longer worked and instead returned this error:

Could not open connection to your authentication agent

While this appears to be a known issue, the work-around suggested in the i3 forum didn't work for me. What did work was the solution described in this blog post:

  1. Add this to my ~/.bash_profile:

    eval $(systemctl --user show-environment | grep SSH_AUTH_SOCK)
    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK
  2. Add this to my startup script:

    /usr/bin/systemctl --user start ssh-agent.service

I'm not sure why ED25519 keys don't work in gnome-keyring since that bug was supposedly fixed a while back, but starting gnome-keyring-ssh.service instead of ssh-agent.service didn't work for me.


When it comes to specific packages, I removed this obsolete package:

  • popularity-contest

I also installed these two new packages:

As always, I put any packages I backport from Debian unstable into my PPA. So far with jammy, I only had to update tiger to silence some bogus warnings.